Öuna jutud

Energiajooke on Euroopas müüdud juba vähemalt veerand sajandi jagu ning need funktsiooniga karastusjoogid on leidnud kindla koha aktiivse inimese joogivalikus. Enamasti peetakse energiajookide all silmas kofeiini sisaldavaid ergutusjooke. Nimetusest hoolimata ei sisalda energiajoogid siiski rohkem energiat kui teised tavalised karastusjoogid. Küll aga aitavad energiajoogis sisalduvad ained organismil efektiivsemalt kasutada juba olemasolevaid energiavarusid.

Energiajooke on Euroopas müüdud juba vähemalt veerand sajandi jagu ning need funktsiooniga karastusjoogid on leidnud kindla koha aktiivse inimese joogivalikus. Enamasti peetakse energiajookide all silmas kofeiini sisaldavaid ergutusjooke. Nimetusest hoolimata ei sisalda energiajoogid siiski rohkem energiat kui teised tavalised karastusjoogid. Küll aga aitavad energiajoogis sisalduvad ained organismil efektiivsemalt kasutada juba olemasolevaid energiavarusid.

Energiajooke on Euroopas müüdud juba vähemalt veerand sajandi jagu ning need funktsiooniga karastusjoogid on leidnud kindla koha aktiivse inimese joogivalikus. Enamasti peetakse energiajookide all silmas kofeiini sisaldavaid ergutusjooke. Nimetusest hoolimata ei sisalda energiajoogid siiski rohkem energiat kui teised tavalised karastusjoogid. Küll aga aitavad energiajoogis sisalduvad ained organismil efektiivsemalt kasutada juba olemasolevaid energiavarusid.

Our family of functional drinks is divided into two - immune-boosting and energy drinks. Both groups of beverages contain only natural ingredients. The real challenge was to find the right ingredients for energy drinks because the caffeine in the organic product comes from natural ingredients rather than synthetic caffeine. We tested these two flavors the most, and for example, you won't see the first flavours of the energy drink on store shelves. The reason for this is the early feedback from the target group-they wanted better; we did better. It was a significant step towards achieving the result that we are all satisfied with.

At the beginning of December, we introduced Öun's first gift boxes to our customers. We wanted to offer our clients an exclusive experience to drink sparkling drinks from a high-quality champagne glass. Riedel crystal glasses were a preference because the company has a long history of making the most exclusive and valuable wine glasses in the world.

Sadly, this year's apple harvest is not quite as good as last year's. There are, however, still plenty of white and red apples under our garden trees, which you can use in many different ways. We offer you three great ideas about what to do with your apples.

Sadly, this year's apple harvest is not quite as good as last year's. There are, however, still plenty of white and red apples under our garden trees, which you can use in many different ways. We offer you three great ideas about what to do with your apples.

We introduced the new sparkling ginger drink back in June, and since then, it has become popular with both customers and the restaurant sector. But where did the idea come from to create such a new taste?

We were looking forward to the flowering of the apple blossoms. It’s one of the most beautiful times in spring. For that reason, we wanted to catch this moment on a camera and invited some local families to join us.

In spring it is good to look at the condition of your apple trees and if necessary, maintenance them. Although many have already completed the trim, there are those, who are still just planning to do it.

Looking at the bottles in a shop, most of the drinks look the same. But in fact, there's a difference that consumers don't realize just by looking at the beverage.

Have you ever wondered why we place so much emphasis on the word craft in our communication?

Öun is the first craft sparkling drink producer from Saaremaa. Our products are made from fresh organic apples grown only in Estonian soil.

We pick apples every Autumn.

Lemonade master Juhan has an older brother Mihkel, whose passion was to fix up old apple gardens and also guarantee his brother some great apples.

At Öun we do everything according to the rhythm of dance – Juhan, Jaen and Greetel bottle lemonades during the day and dance together during the evening in the dance group Lips.